Verona's art fair and art gallery in Varese Lorenzo Luini - Filmmaker

The participation in Verona's art fair at the art gallery "punto sull'arte" in 2012 and solo exhibition at the art gallery "punto sull'arte" in Varese, Italy in 2013.

Ciclope Lorenzo Luini - Filmmaker

The realization of the sculpture "the cyclops" from modeling to finishing.
The sculpture was presented in solo exhibition at the "spazio zero" in Gallarate (Varese, Italy).

Solipede Lorenzo Luini - Filmmaker

Paola Ravasio's sculpture seeks to represent physical strength.
Human elements can be recognized as well as geometric forms where the first want to force the second which seems to be held back.
The work in its whole represents a liberation of energy aimed at improving ones capability of exceeding ones limit.